How to Secure Your Multiple Websites with One SSL Certificate


With the ever-increasing need for security on the web, it’s important to ensure that all of your websites are secure. One way to do so is to secure them with a single SSL certificate. An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that provides authentication for a website and ensures that all data passed between the web server and the browser remains private and secure. With the correct setup, you can use one certificate to secure multiple websites, ensuring that all your sites are safe and secure.

In this article, we’ll discuss how you can use one SSL certificate to secure multiple websites, the benefits of doing so, and the steps you need to take to make it happen.

What is an SSL Certificate?

An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that provides authentication for a website and ensures that all data passed between the web server and the browser remains private and secure. When you visit a website that has an SSL certificate, you’ll see a padlock in the browser bar and a green URL. This means that the website uses an SSL certificate on its server to encrypt data during transfer, which means that your password, credit card information, and other data are kept safe.

SSL is essential to e-commerce security and is used by millions of websites and businesses, including Amazon, PayPal, and Google. This digital certificate can be purchased from SSL certificate providers, and once purchased, you install it on your server. Once installed, your SSL certificate is valid for one year, and you need to renew it again at the end of each year. Yes, it’s a hassle, but

Benefits of using one SSL Certificate for multiple websites

If you own more than one website and want to keep them all secure, you can use one SSL certificate to secure multiple websites. While this might seem like overkill to some, it has plenty of benefits. First, by leveraging your existing SSL certificate, you can save time and money. You don’t have to renew multiple certificates; you can use the same server and IP address for all your websites, which may help boost your SEO.

You can also be sure that all of your websites are safe and secure—if one of your sites experiences an attack, you can revoke the certificate, which will do away with any potential damage to the other sites. Plus, if one of your websites falls out of favor, you can simply revoke its certificate. Doing this won’t affect others.

How to secure multiple websites with one SSL Certificate

If you want to use an SSL certificate to secure multiple websites, you need to ensure that the certificate is set up to allow multiple subdomains. This means that you can then add each subdomain to the certificate, and the certificate will protect all subdomains. Once you’ve verified your SSL certificate provider and purchased the certificate, you need to add the subdomains to the certificate.

First, you need to log in to your hosting control panel and click on SSL. You should see a list of subdomains and the IP address of your SSL certificate. Next, click on the subdomain you want to add to the certificate and then click on View/Edit Advanced Certificate Settings. You should see a list of fields and options. Select the Custom box and type the following information in the appropriate fields:

What are the different types of SSL Certificates?

If you’re using the SSL certificate to secure multiple websites, you must ensure that the certificate is set up to allow multiple subdomains. You can’t add additional subdomains if your certificate is set up to secure one domain. You can, however, use a wildcard SSL certificate. A wildcard SSL certificate is designed to secure multiple subdomains and works for HTTP and HTTPS. While a wildcard SSL certificate is more expensive than a standard SSL certificate, it can save you time and money and secure multiple websites. Other types of SSL certificates include single-domain SSL certificates and multi-domain SSL certificates. A single-domain SSL certificate secures one domain, such as your website’s URL, while a multi-domain SSL certificate can secure up to 100 subdomains.

Steps to set up a single SSL Certificate for multiple websites

First, you need to log in to your hosting control panel and click on SSL. You should see a list of subdomains and the IP address of your SSL certificate. Next, click on the subdomain you want to add to the certificate and then click on View/Edit Advanced Certificate Settings. You should see a list of fields and options. Select the Custom box and type the following information in the appropriate fields:

How to test the SSL Certificate on each website

First, open the website in a browser where you know the SSL certificate is valid. You should see the padlock in the address bar. Then, add an invalid hostname to the end of the URL. The SSL certificate is valid if you see a warning or an error message. The SSL certificate is invalid if you see a page without the padlock.

How to renew an SSL Certificate for multiple websites

When renewing your SSL certificate, you can do so using your SSL control panel. You need to log in to your hosting control panel and select SSL. Next, click on the SSL certificate and click on the Renew Certificate button. Follow the instructions and you should have a new SSL certificate in no time. Note: It’s important to renew your SSL certificate before it expires. If you don’t, people will see a warning message that the website is not secure and won’t be able to trust your website. This will also negatively affect your SEO.

Tips for managing your SSL Certificate for multiple websites

It’s important to keep your SSL certificate up to date. You can do this by updating your SSL certificate with the latest changes to each website. You can also let your SSL certificate provider know if you want to revoke the certificate. To do so, log in to your SSL control panel and click on SSL Certificates.

Select the SSL certificate you want to revoke, click on Revoke SSL Certificate, and then follow the instructions. It’s also important to keep track of your SSL certificate expiration date. When the SSL certificate expires, visitors to your website will see a warning message that the website isn’t secure. To avoid this, you must renew the SSL certificate before it expires.


An SSL certificate is essential to e-commerce security and is used by millions of websites and businesses worldwide. You can use one SSL certificate to secure multiple websites, saving you time and money and ensuring that all of your websites are safe and secure.

Daniel Odoh
Daniel Odoh
A technology writer and smartphone enthusiast with over 9 years of experience. With a deep understanding of the latest advancements in mobile technology, I deliver informative and engaging content on smartphone features, trends, and optimization. My expertise extends beyond smartphones to include software, hardware, and emerging technologies like AI and IoT, making me a versatile contributor to any tech-related publication.

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