It had been verified by Microsoft that they would be put to sleep their own-developed Edge browser all for a Chromium-based substitute. In spite of that, the latest but different browser will keep Microsoft’s Edge name, rather than bidding adieu to its old broken branding.
In fact, Microsoft is pledging to the open-based Chromium. Also, it will be constructing upon its record to be a factor to a more unrestricted Internet. The plan is to provide regular updates as well as to lessen the engineering and coding attempts to maintain an internal browser up-to-date and safe from every type of Internet risks and dangers. It looks as if it is a typical Microsoft problem.
What is that supposed to mean? Well, Microsoft had been defeated in the battle of the browsers a long time ago. In fact, it went under Google Chrome.
But then again, Microsoft Edge was meant to reverse that doom. On the contrary, Microsoft Edge is now being totally slaughtered in spite of all of its hard work with Windows 10 as well as Microsoft Edge. In fact, this news was proven by StatCounter. According to it, Microsoft Edge had a share of only 3.8% on PCs, smartphones, as well as tablets in America, regardless of the insistent approaches by which it had been promoted since July of 2015.
All the more so, the Internet Explorer, which Microsoft had discontinued supporting and updating, and which by this time has gone downhill that it crashes all the time and, as a consequence, has turned out to be basically of no use. Yet, it still has a market share of 6.1%.
This is the current result of the Browser War, for tablets, smartphones, and PCs in America, as stated by StatCounter:
- Google Chrome – 49.8%
- Apple Safari – 29.2%
- Internet Explorer – 6.1%
- Mozilla Firefox – 5.9%
- Microsoft Edge – 3.8%
The remaining 5.2% is made up of all the other browsers. After Microsoft Edge was made available to the market, its share increased to 1% by September of 2015, to 2% by March of 2016, and to 3.8% by September of 2017. However, it has stayed plunked at this insignificant level at the far end of the stack, far inferior to the mentioned major browsers.
This is for the reason that users prefer other browsers to maximize and experience the full potential of their Internet service provider, reviewed on DailyWireless.
Actually, there was a time when Microsoft ruled the web browser market because of Internet Explorer. However, today, it’s a very different scenario. What is happening now is that Microsoft is grinding to a halt to make an effect with its Microsoft Edge web browser after years of attempting and struggling.
A report by Windows Central states that Microsoft seems to be getting ready to stop support for its Edge browser. As a substitute, a newfangled web browser will be introduced which will be operated by Chromium. Even though Microsoft still has to verify the reports, it is still uncertain as to how this browser will be offered to Windows consumers.
Actually, it is being termed as Anaheim, but can still result in taking the name Microsoft Edge for the purpose of continuity on Windows 10. As a result, the EdgeHTML will cease to exist, but the browser title will stay.
So they say that Microsoft is killing Windows 10’s default browser – Microsoft Edge. That is for the reason that the browser, which was first introduced in 2015 together with Windows 10, fought to be in power and persists to climb despite stability problems. Taking the life out of Microsoft Edge as well as EdgeHTML will indicate that Microsoft actually has to create something that is new for Windows 10.