A book report should include the fundamental elements. The best book reports focus on a specific issue or viewpoint and support this point with examples specific to the topic through images and concepts. When I had difficulties with this task, I preferred someone to write my book report for me. However, later I found these steps can help you determine and integrate these important elements into an approach that can take anywhere from three to four days.
How To Write a Book Report
Keep a goal in your mind if you can
The objective you choose to focus on is the primary argument you intend to make and the issue you intend to address. Sometimes, your teacher will provide questions to consider answering as part of the assignment. This makes this process effortless. However, if you need to create your own focus point for your essay, You may need to wait to come up with the goal as you read and analyze the book.
Take your time reading the novel.
While reading, keep looking for clues the author has offered through symbols. They are likely to indicate a key element that supports the theme overall. For example, a drop covered in blood, a glance at a habit causing anxiety, or an unintentional action is worthy of note.
Use sticky flags for marking the pages.
When you come across any clues, make a note of the page sticking the note at the start of the line you’re interested in. Note anything that interests you, even if you do not know the significance.
Record the possible patterns or themes that arise
When you look over and write down emotional signals or flags and signs, you’ll start to recognize a particular point or pattern. Then, in a notepad, note down any possible themes or concerns. If your task is to answer a specific question, you’ll note how the symbols respond to the issue.
Label your sticky flags
If you spot an image repeated many times, it is essential to mark it on the flags to make it easy to reference later. If, for instance, blood is featured in multiple scenes, put a “b” on the flags indicating blood. This could become the book’s main subject, so you’ll need to move between the relevant pages quickly.
Make an outline
After studying the text, you’ll have a list of possible concepts or methods to reach your goals. Go through your notes and identify which idea or idea you can support with illustrations (symbols). It is possible to try some examples of outlines to decide on the best method.
Make paragraph concepts
Each paragraph should include an idea sentence and a sentence that transitions into another paragraph. Write these down first before filling in the paragraphs using illustrations (symbols). Remember to write down the basic information of every book report in the very first paragraph or two paragraphs.
Review, rearrange, repeat.
In the beginning, your paragraphs will appear similar to ugly ducklings. They’ll seem clunky, ugly, awkward, and boring at the beginning. Review them, change the arrangement and substitute sentences that don’t make sense. Reread and reread until you’ve got the paragraphs flowing.
Review your introduction paragraph
The introduction paragraph will create the first impression of your work. It should be flawless. Make sure that it’s attractive, well-written, and includes a powerful thesis statement.
The purpose: Sometimes, knowing what you want to accomplish before beginning is possible. However, there are times when it’s not. If you’re required to develop your own thesis, don’t worry about a clear goal at the beginning. The rest will be revealed later.
The recording of emotional flags: These places in the book cause emotions. Sometimes, they are less effective. For example, when doing an assignment on The Red Badge of Courage, the teacher might have students discuss whether they believe Henry, the protagonist, is hero-like. In the novel, Henry sees lots of blood (emotional symbol) and death (emotional symbol), and this leads him to flee from the fight in the beginning (emotional reaction). He is embarrassed (emotion).
Book report fundamentals: In your one or two paragraphs, include the setting of your book, the time period, the characters, and your thesis assertion (objective).
Revisiting the introductory paragraph: The introduction paragraph must be the final paragraph you write. It must be free of errors and informative. It must also have a concise thesis. Make sure you don’t start writing a thesis very at the beginning of the process, then put it aside. Your viewpoint or argument might be completely different as you revise sentence fragments. Make sure to check your thesis statement at the end of your paragraph.