What Is 5G Technology and Why Do We Use It?


5G is the fifth generation of wireless networks. As you may guess, it is the successor to 4G, and naturally, it builds upon the gains made. 5G promises higher speeds and faster connectivity with the shortest lag times yet- almost imperceptible. This will allow you to access the point spread information faster than before.

The need for reliable networks on which systems require large amounts of data in a very short time is the critical driver informing the development of 5G. Internet of things (IoT) systems, autonomous vehicles, and drones are set to be revolutionized.

Smart cities are becoming possible thanks to 5G. Cars can communicate to avoid collisions and reduce traffic congestion. 5G-enabled cars will be able to tell if a pedestrian is crossing the road well before approaching, reduce speed, alert the driver, or brake autonomously.

So how exactly does 5G do all this?

Low Latency

Latency is the delay between sending and receiving data packets. 5G has latencies as low as one millisecond. For comparison, 4G has a latency of about 100 milliseconds.

The high speed characteristic of 5G makes it possible for self-driving cars to communicate rapidly in real-time and make decisions based on situational awareness. 

5G also supports speeds of over 1 GB per second, while 4G was typically capable of 200 megabytes per second. The same makes it possible to download a movie in a matter of seconds on a 5G network.

Dense Connections

 Typically, ten times the capacity of 4G. You could connect a maximum of 10000 devices in a given area using 5G while 4G would manage 1000. This makes it possible to support many more devices per station.

Network slicing is another key feature of 5G. Each industry has a designated frequency range. This range means that self-driving cars will communicate while emergency services communicate with each other, all on the same network.

High Frequencies

To achieve these abilities, 5G uses high frequencies called sub 6 that range from 600 MHz to 6 GHz. These speeds aren’t new by any means. However, due to the architecture and design of 5G, these same frequencies can carry a lot more data due to the property of virtualization and the use of different input-output antennas in 5G. Higher frequencies in 5G operate between 24 to 86 GHz.

There are two 5G standards. The first is called polar coding, while the other is called LDPC. While there are fundamental differences between the two, they both use the same underlying architecture and design. The two main components of 5G are radio access and core networks.

The radio access network comprises small cells, macro cells, towers, and home systems. The high frequencies used by 5G are prone to interference blocking by just about anything. From trees to houses to cars

5G frequencies also follow the principle of the reverse square. In short, the signal loses strength very fast. Many small masts are used to remedy the interference and signal problem to ensure the coverage is excellent and usable. These are placed on buildings, trees, and even on power lines. 

The small cells complement the macro cells. These cells are responsible for carrying the bandwidth of a particular area. To effectively cover a town, for instance, several macro cells are needed.

The second component is the core network. This core network sets apart 5G from anything we have seen before. Home systems are responsible for connecting the radio access network to the core system. The core handles internet and data connection for the 5G network. 

The core network handles the advanced features of 5G, such as network function, virtualization, and network slicing. Network slicing, coupled with virtualization, will make 5G usable by a wide range of devices. 


5G is revolutionizing communication in traditional fields and opening up new ones, such as medicine and remote surgery. It is changing the world as we know it. 

A lot remains to be done before it is practical and widespread, as well as addressing the issue of geopolitics that is playing a big hand in the direction 5G takes. 

If you are looking forward to the latest technology to speed up your daily activities, then 5G will meet your demands. Try it and see how it works out!

Daniel Odoh
Daniel Odoh
A technology writer and smartphone enthusiast with over 9 years of experience. With a deep understanding of the latest advancements in mobile technology, I deliver informative and engaging content on smartphone features, trends, and optimization. My expertise extends beyond smartphones to include software, hardware, and emerging technologies like AI and IoT, making me a versatile contributor to any tech-related publication.

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