10 Ways to Start Enjoying Math

To master this science, you need not memorize formulas, but understand them from the inside.


Math isn’t just boring schoolwork. Some scientists consider mathematics to be the most important science and one of the first in the world.

Without knowledge of mathematics, all modern life would be impossible. We wouldn’t have good houses because builders have to be able to measure, count, and build. There would be no railways, no ships, no planes, no big industry. There would be no radio, television, cinema, telephone, and thousands of other things that make up a part of our civilization.

Mathematics allows us to see the world without the so-called rose-colored glasses. The curriculum is structured in such a way that it seems that mathematics is just calculations. But no. Calculations are always present when solving real problems, but mathematics is rather what formulates and composes these expressions for calculation. To master this science, you need not memorize formulas, but understand them from the inside.

For this, many technologies and methods of studying mathematics have been invented in the modern world.

Why is Math Important?

Why is Math Important?

● Mathematics develops thinking – analyze and systematize; find patterns and establish causal relationships; reason and draw conclusions; to think logically, strategically, and abstractly – all this is taught by mathematics.

● Doing mathematics, solving mathematical problems develops a person, makes him more purposeful, more independent.

● Theories of mathematics are widely used in other sciences, seemingly completely far from it – linguistics, jurisprudence.

● The development of methods of computational mathematics and the increase in the power of computers makes it possible today to perform accurate calculations in the field of medicine.

●  After learning math, you can easily do your homework. If something does not work out – ask for help with math homework, for example, on online services.

How to Love Math?

How to Love Math

Parents are musicians, there are no mathematicians in the family. What kind of math is there? The brain is not math and other nonsense common in the school environment. People are taught such prejudices from childhood, retraining left-handers, “healing” those who stutter with fear, and diligently sorting children’s brains into “mathematical” and “humanitarian”. We have already seen that mathematics is important, now we will figure out how to love it.

  1. Understand What Mathematics Is Needed for in Real Life

Mathematics is a very important science that is used in many areas of our life: from everyday tasks to all kinds of things. This science allows you to develop the flexibility of the mind, which is necessary for making an objective solution to any problem.

  1. Love Math Using Games

The well-known “sea battle” will be one example of such a game. To play you need 2 cubes, a piece of paper in the box and a pen or pencil. The rules for the location of ships are simple – it is impossible for them to touch either side or corners. The goal of this game is to destroy all enemy ships. The winner is the one who does it first.

  1. Admit It Won’t Be Easy

Studying mathematics is not easy: in order to properly deal with a new topic, you need to spend more than one-hour reading textbooks, even more time will be needed to solve problems and work on mistakes. For many, such a load may be beyond their strength. But mathematics values ​​perseverance and patience, for which it generously rewards: once you thoroughly understand the topic once, you are unlikely to forget the material, the understanding of which you got with great difficulty. It’s like with athletes, after the first 30 minutes of a marathon, a second wind opens.

  1. Study First What You Are Interested In

Start with areas of mathematics that are really interesting to you and study them so that you have a good understanding.

  1. Use the Simple to Complex Principle

Start simple and then move on to the complex. So you will learn everything gradually and you will not have problems understanding certain topics.

  1. Practice Math

Mathematics is needed absolutely in all spheres of life. Every day we use simple arithmetic operations to shop, to plan our time. In every profession, one way or another, mathematical calculations are used, even if it is not noticeable at first glance. Use math while you pay for purchases, solve tasks, and organize your day.

  1. Solve Problems Constantly

To learn math, you need to solve problems. And, of course, it is better if these are tasks that are not boring to solve. It’s up to you: algebra or geometry, the main thing is to decide.

  1. Take breaks

There is a lot to be said about the importance of breaks. Taking breaks allows our “brain to organize and memorize information about a previous task and prepare for a new one.” The brain archives information at rest. If we do not give him time to archive, we risk forgetting part of what we have developed previously.

  1. Lead Abstract

When you just read, you are using short-term memory. Writing transfers information from short-term to long-term memory, and visual memory is supplemented by motor memory.

  1. Read books

Paradoxically, literature can heighten interest in mathematics and inspire one’s own research. Fiction stories about mathematics, unusual collections, and problem books are suitable for younger students and adolescents.

Today we do not know the spheres of human life where mathematics is not needed. Not a single new discovery can do without it, not a single invention works, not a single enterprise or state functions, therefore, the range of everything where mathematics is needed is quite wide.

Also, check Why are Math Puzzles Important?

When we start to study this discipline in school, we do not know if we will make a discovery in physics, computer science, astronomy, or other science. Or maybe we will be an engineer or an architect, an aircraft designer or a pharmacist, i.e. a specialist in the profession where mathematics will be needed for us.

Daniel Odoh
Daniel Odoh
A technology writer and smartphone enthusiast with over 9 years of experience. With a deep understanding of the latest advancements in mobile technology, I deliver informative and engaging content on smartphone features, trends, and optimization. My expertise extends beyond smartphones to include software, hardware, and emerging technologies like AI and IoT, making me a versatile contributor to any tech-related publication.

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